Asked by Ankit Agrawal | 30th of March 2020
career counselling career guidanceCareer counselling is a pious ritual. Counsellors interact with candidates of young and impressionable minds and empower them to chart a career course ,In fact course of life . The process is dynamically complex. Interplay of a candidates personality, interests and values with the Skills & abilities have to be synergised positively.Candidates aspirations have to be finally aligned in the backdrop of these inputs. Absolute devout and passionate counsellors with high grade skill sets and experience in the field are realistically equipped to handle and process such critical endeavours. Lack of knowledge or experience can result in irreversible and highly avoidable damages of permanent nature. Hence it is imperative that career counselling be undertaken only by experts in the field for optimum results.
Career counselling is one field which requires expertise and updated information. Only an expert in career counselling can well understand the needs of an individual. As career counselling is based on suitability and adaptibility. Each individual has its own identity, skills and abilities. Career counselling is a systematic process which only an expert in field can carry out. An expert in career counselling will understand individual personality, career interests and his aptitude. Unbiased advice is another important factor in career counsellor which again is understood by an expert only. An expert will determine individual values, identify his skills, will research on career options, will make you aware how to achieve it and live your dream successfully.
Based on the advice given by the career counsellor, you decide your career path. So, it becomes imperative that career counselling is done by a seasoned expert who has got a sound knowledge about that particular field. A piece of good or bad advice can have a major impact on your career.
A trained and expert career counsellor can make your career decisions very easy.
Career counselor helps you to find the right path of career . Counselor helps you to discover your strengths, qualities,skills in you . Good counselor makes many people life on the right and fruitful path.
Please consider following two examples:
1. If we face a medical problem, do we seek advice of a Chemist at Medical Store or we visit a qualified, practitioner Doctor ?
2. In Geography an Island & a Continent both are called as Landmass. Can these two be compared ?
With seasoned wisdom, an Expert Counsellor perfectly amalgamates the Real-time information with Multidimentional Psychometric Analysis and chalks out an Executable Career Roadmap that can put a candidate on his/her most suitable Career Trajectory thereby ensuring sure success.
Hence it becomes necessary to get Career Counselling done by Expert Career Counsellor.
Every, so called, expert who facilitates admission, is not a Career Counsellor.