Why career counselling should be done by expert career counsellors?

Asked by Ankit Agrawal | 30th of March 2020

career counselling career guidance

46 Answers

Tejas Patil

27th of July 2020 | 2 Likes


What matters is a skill in any activity or task you perform, I as a Career Counsellor would be able to understand the personality trait of an individual were i have obtained skills about understanding the personality traits of a human being.

As  all fingers are not the same every human being has different likes and dislikes in what he would do and what he would not like to do. So its important for people to understand the importance of why career counseling can be done by Career Counsellors only

anandhi baskaren

3rd of April 2020 | 2 Likes


Career counselling is a step towards a exordinary success. Once career counselling is done candidate  will actually know about themseleves clearly.. Inner mind starts working in the right direction. 


So before taking a big decisions for their life.. I strongly recommend everyone should take .

Anandhi baskaren 



8th of June 2020 | 2 Likes


A student’s career decision is be easily influenced by external factors and so for any aspiring learner, a career decision is typically influenced by various factors such as :

? Parental pressure, 

? Peer pressure, 

? Society trends,

? Quick settling/ money career options,

? Fast Money (less knowledge)

? Wrong prejudices about careers in general

Counselling requires empathy, psychological understanding and current knowledge of all the professions and career options available out there. Hence it is advised to resort to professional counsellors and career guides. 

Edumilestones | M.A in Counseling Psychol...

31st of March 2020 | 2 Likes


Based on the advice given by the career counsellor, you decide your career path. So, it becomes imperative that career counselling is done by a seasoned expert who has got a sound knowledge about that particular field. A piece of good or bad advice can have a major impact on your career. 

A trained and expert career counsellor can make your career decisions very easy. 

Sunnil Arora | Certified Career Counsell...

1st of November 2020 | 2 Likes


Please consider following two examples:

1. If we face a medical problem, do we seek advice of a Chemist at Medical Store or we visit a qualified, practitioner Doctor ?

2. In Geography an Island & a Continent both are called as Landmass. Can these two be compared ?

With seasoned wisdom, an Expert Counsellor perfectly amalgamates the Real-time information with Multidimentional Psychometric Analysis and chalks out an Executable Career Roadmap that can put a candidate on his/her most suitable Career Trajectory thereby ensuring sure success.

Hence it becomes necessary to get Career Counselling done by Expert Career Counsellor.

Every, so called, expert who facilitates admission, is not a Career Counsellor.

